Lets Work Together For Sustainable Livestock Farming
Vetrina arranged technical meetings of all veterinarians at VetZone Alephata. Dr. Sanjay Deokar, Dr. B.K. Temkar, Dr. Itafe, Dr. Anil Bhagat, Dr. Mangesh Khillari, Dr. Londhe , Dr. Mehare, Dr. Dattatray Kamble, Dr. Shivaji Shingote, Dr. Mangesh Ghadigaonkar with the objective of “Let’s Work Together For Sustainable Dairy Farming “
Dr. Mangesh Ghadigaonkar brief about economically viable dairy farming and in presence of veterinarians to help farmers for
sustainable dairy farming. Dr. Dattatray Kamble brief about fodder management in sustainable dairy farming. All present vets share and discuss their view about backyard dairy farming, farmers expectation and expected action plan for improvement for sustainable dairy farming.