Attaining optimum production in the dairy industry remains a challenge despite most farms rearing high yielding cattle of good genetic stock. In most cases the culprit is a mix of inappropriate feeding practices leading to deteriorating productivity, fertility and animal health issues that lead to increased culling and deaths of producing animals. Together they leave farmers with huge financial losses. One way to obviate this is by adopting a sound and prudent nutritional strategy.
For optimum productivity, fertility and health, stage nutrition plays a major role in nutritional management from calf to the cow and cow to the calf. Varied growing and production stages have varied nutritional needs. Providing specific nutrients at specific stages in required quantities helps derive optimum output.

Nutritional solution for calf growth
Helps in faster body weight gain
Improves Immunity and controls mortality
Helps in Rumen development
Helps to develop better Heifer for the future
Directions to use
25 ml daily immediately after 5 to 7 days of birth to 3 months of age

Nutritional solution for growing calves
Improves body weight-gain and immunity
Helps in development of mammary gland
Perfect nutritional strategy for growing calf (4-8 months of age)
Acts as corrective measure in fatty and bellied calf
Directions to use
50 g daily, from 4th month up to 8th month of age (91-240 days of age)

Nutritional solution for heifer growth
Aid in the proper body weight gain at the right time
Helps converts calves to good Heifer
Helps Heifer attain puberty in time and reach sexual maturity
Helps reduce rearing cost
Directions to use
25 gm daily, from 9th month of age for next 2 to 3 months

Vetrimix® – Close up
Trusted brand of premix for close-up animals
Prevents retention of placenta and utero-vaginal prolapse
Prevents pre and post-partum mastitis
Improves lactation yield
Prevents metabolic disorders
Improves fertility and conception rate
Maintain under health and improves milk quality
Directions to use
100 gm or 1 scoop twice daily 20 days before parturition

Vetrimix® -Lactation
Trusted brand of premix for lactating animals
Provides all essential vitamins and minerals
Improves immunity and prevents mastitis
Prevents uterine disorders
Improves fertility and conception rate
Does not need any other dietary supplement
Directions to use
After calving: Early lactation- 0-3 months: 100 gm or 1 scoop twice daily
Mid lactation- 3-6 months: 75 gm twice daily or 1 scoop per day
Late lactation- 6-9 months: 50 gm twice daily or half scoop per day
In some form or the other, every sickness, disease and ailment can be traced back to nutritional deficiencies. For faster recovery, specific nutritional strategies play a vital role in bringing animals back to productivity and health. To this end, Vetrina Healthcare Pvt. Ltd. has developed nutraceutical products that specifically help overcome diseases arising out of nutrient deficiencies besides correcting existing pathological conditions.

Nutritional solution for the transition period
Enhances Immunity and controls Mastitis
Controls retention of placenta and improves fertility
Increases duration of peak lactation
Improves energy metabolism and controls Ketosis
Helps in udder development
Directions to use
For optimum performance 50 gm daily 20 days before parturition &
20 days after parturition

Nutritional solution for metabolic disorders
Helps to reduce incidences of Retention of Placenta (ROP)
Helps to control Prolapse and controls Metabolic Disorders
Helps for the immediate response to peak yield
Directions to use
100 gm daily for 10 days
Start the feeding 10 to 15 day prior to calving for better performance at calving
For Prolapse: Use 100 gm for 5 days, and 50 g daily for next 10 days

VetricalTM -P
Source of maximum calcium, phosphorus & magnesium
Reduces metabolic disorders
Helps to promote rapid involution of uterus
Improves feed intake
Improves milk production
Controls calcium deficiency in next lactation
Directions to use
For optimum performance, use 50 gm to 100 gm daily immediately after parturition for the next 40 days of lactation

VetricalTM Gel
Instant source of Ionic calcium and phosphorus
Prevents retention of the placenta
Helps for rapid involution of the uterus
Improves feed intake after parturition
Provides an immediate response to peak milk yield
Helps recover faster from Hypocalcemia when given after I/V calcium
Directions to use
Feed one tube 1 to 2 hrs after calving another one tube after 12 hrs of calving
For Hypocalcemia: 1 tube after use of I/V Calcium

Powerful energy booster
Strongest Glucogenic Precursor
Keeps the liver fit for Energy Metabolism
Controls Fatty Liver Syndrome
Prevents development of ketone bodies and controls all metabolic disorders
Directions to use
200 ml twice daily on the day of Parturition followed by 200 ml
daily for next three day

Nutritional solution for optimum fertility
Helps from induction of heat, up to the confirmation of pregnancy
Stimulates the synthesis of progesterone
Helps for strongest Heat and improves Follicle quality
Improves conception rate and control embryonic mortality
Improves growth of genital organ in Heifer
Directions to use
For cow, Buffalos & Heifers : 25 gm daily for 20 days

Nutritional solution for management of mastitis
Restores normal Milk pH in 3 to 4 days
Helps with complete recovery in subclinical mastitis
In clinical mastitis when given as an adjunct to antibiotic
Controls mastitis in dry cows when given at the time of drying off
Directions to use
Clinical Mastitis: 50 g daily, for 4 to 5 days with antibiotic
In subclinical mastitis: 50 g daily for 4 days
For dry cow therapy: 50 gm daily for 4 days from the 1st day of drying

Nutritional solution for hoof health
Optimizes Hoof and Horn quality, promotes keratin synthesis
Reduces lameness and provides comfort
Increases Milk and Protein synthesis
Prevents deterioration of hoof and faster recovery of hoof health in FMD
Directions to use
Cows, Buffaloes & Horses: 25 gm daily for 60 to 90 days

Powerful uterine ecbolic
Powerful Ecbolic herbs work as abortifacient
Increases labour
Helps for easy expulsion of placenta on time
Directions to use
200 ml immediately after parturition, 100 ml after 12 hrs and
remaining 100 ml daily on next 2 days

Nutritional solution for optimum rumen ecology
Improves the growth and multiplication of ruminal microflora
Improves the nutrient digestibility
Restores normal appetite in 2 to 3 days
Stimulates dry matter intake
Increase the milk fat and SNF
Increase milk production
Directions to use
2 bolus daily for 3 to 5 days

Nutritional solution for optimum rumen ph
Improves milk production and milk fat
Regulates and maintains rumen pH
Prevents & corrects acidosis & its consequences
Improves fiber digestion and feed intake
Directions to use
100 grams daily for 3 to 5 days

Powerful hematinic with liver tonic
A powerful Haematinic
Helps to recover faster from anaemia by stimulating the target
Organ for erythropoiesis
Stimulates liver functioning
Corrects non-specific anorexia
Reduces Stress and improves immunity
Directions to use
Cows and Buffaloes: 50 ml daily for 20 to 30 days as haematinic
50 ml daily for 10 days in the case of a dysfunctional liver

Nutritional solution for oral rehydration
Ideal combination of Electrolytes
Maintains integrity of body Cells and reduces Stress
Helps to improve water intake in summers & helps maintain body fluid
Helps to control Transport Stress
Helps to correct Dehydration in diarrhoea
Improves rate of conception in summers
Controls Embryonic Mortality
Directions to use
For cows, Buffalos, Calves, 1 gm per liter of water or 50gm daily for heat stress and diarrhoea
For Transportation: 2 gm per liter of water one day before transportation and 1 gm per liter of water during and after transportation

Nutritional solution to hemopiosis
A supportive therapy for blood protozoal diseases
A supportive therapy in post- surgical intervention
Helps in complete Hematopoiesis
Corrects non-specific anaemia
Directions to use
50 ml daily for 20-30 days

Combination of stable vitamins & chelated minerals
Corrects vitamins & minerals deficiency
Prevents post-partum-disorders occurring due to deficiency of feed supplements
Improves health & fertility
Improves milk production
Prevents metabolic disorders
Directions to use
Cattle, Buffaloes
50 grams daily or 1 Kg Vetrimix in 100 Kg of feed
Sheep , Goat 25 to 30 grams daily

Performance booster
Provides instant energy
Keep the bull Aggressive
Keep the muscle strong and vital
Reduce & prevent stress
Improve the performance of bull
Directions to use
200 ml daily

Improves galactopoeisis & lactogenesis
Helps for milk let down
Milk-out animals completely
Keep animals clam (while milking)
Improves milk output
Directions to use
Give 10 tablets daily before milking

Vetrimix Bull -Premix
Trusted brand of premix for breeding bull
Improves semen quality
Improves semen quantity
Improves libido
Keep bull calm & cool
Directions to use
Cow & buffalo bull- 100g daily
Sheep & goat male- 25g daily
Environmental pathogens including FMD, Mastitis and Brucellosis remain a significant threat to dairy animal’s health and farm productivity. Reducing their spread helps maintain animal health and resultant productivity besides reducing treatment costs. Ways to control their spread include bio-security measures and the use of diagnostic tools to identify and control further damages both within a farm and between farms.

One-stop testing solution for early-stage mastitis
Inexpensive, simple and rapid test for detection of subclinical mastitis
Gives an indication of individual quarter infection status
Has many on-farm applications for management of sub-clinical mastitis
Can be used to monitor cows known to have the problem
Directions to use
kindly use booklet available in the kit

Cationic polymer with universal biocide properties
Helps with effective cleaning of animal sheds to prevent infections,
environmental mastitis and neonatal infections
Helps sanitize utensils and milking machines
Remains safe to use in the presence of animals
Contains no harmful fumes
Directions to use
Empty shed: 2 ml per liter
Spraying on animals: 2 ml per liter
Equipment washing: 20 ml per liter

Sheep and Goat
Sheep and goat contribute greatly to a farmer’s income but due tothe traditional system of intensive rearing, returns on investment always remains an issue. By optimizing on feed and proper management, returns on investment (ROI’s) can be improved upon to ensure maximum profitability. One way, and the most important one, is by increasing and maintaining an optimum body weight of the animal. In doing so, a well laid-out nutrition strategy plays a major role and it’s in this aspect that Vetrina Healthcare provides a well-established strategy to optimize feeding practices to ensure timely and proper body weight gain of sheep and goat.
In kids and lambs, controlling mortality, improving immunity and optimum weight gains in first months are successful parameters to get early market weight. Systematic feeding at every stage helps gain a good return on investment in sheep and goat farming.

BoviGro® SG
Nutritional solution for optimum growth in kids and lamb
Improves health and growth rate in kids and lambs
Improves immunity and controls mortality
Helps in bone and muscle development
Directions to use
2 to 3 ml daily up to 1 month

Vetrimix® L
Rumen modulator, liver tonic and growth promoter
Helps attain market weight gain fast
Improves in milk and wool production
Improves fertility
Helps for proper kidding and lambing to produce healthy offspring
Directions to use
10 ml daily as a regular feed supplement

Vetrimix® SG
Trusted brand of premix for sheep and Goat
Improves digestion and body weight gain
Improves immunity and helps in recovery from illness
Helps in reaching market weight early and reduces rearing cost
Improves breeding efficiency in ewe
Directions to use
15-20 g daily through feed
In some form or the other, every sickness, disease and ailment can be traced back to nutritional deficiencies. For faster recovery, specific nutritional strategies play a vital role in bringing animals back to productivity and health. To this end, Vetrina Healthcare has developed nutraceuticals products that specifically help overcome diseases arising out of nutrient deficiencies besides correcting existing pathological conditions.

Powerful hematinic and liver tonic
A powerful Haematinic
Helps in the recovery from anaemia by stimulating target organ(s) for Erythropoiesis
Stimulates Liver functioning
Corrects non-specific Anorexia
Reduces Stress and improves immunity
Increase body weight gain
Directions to use
10 ml daily for 20 to 30 days as Hematinic
10 ml daily for 10 days for a dysfunctional liver

RespocareTM SG
Nutritional solution for respiratory tract diseases
Helps maintain optimum health and function of the respiratory tract
Improves immunity and prevents infections
Works as a bronchodilator and expectorant
Keeps the respiratory track clean and healthy
Helps in preventing mortality caused by pneumonia
Directions to use
5- 10 ml twice daily for 4-5 days

Powerful uterine ecbolic
Powerful ecbolic herbs therein work as abortifacient
Increases labor, helps for easy expulsion of placenta
Helps to improve immunity
Helps to separation of placenta from cotyledons
Directions to use
50 ml immediately after parturition
25 ml daily for next two days

Nutritional solution for optimum rumen ecology
Regulates and maintains rumen pH
Prevents & corrects Acidosis & its consequences
Improves fibre digestion and feed intake
Improves Milk Production and milk fats
Directions to use
30 to 50 g daily for 3 to 5 days
Environmental pathogens including FMD, mastitis and brucellosis remain a significant threat to dairy animal’s productivity. Reducing their spread helps maintain animal health and resultant productivity of animal besides reducing treatment costs. Ways to control their spread include bio-security measures and the use of diagnostic tools to identify and control further damages both within a farm and between farms.

A cationic polymer with biocide properties
Cleans sheds effectively to prevent infections, environmental mastitis and neonatal infections
Helps with sanitizing of utensils and milking-related machines
Safe to use in presence of animals
Contains no harmful fumes
Directions to use
Empty shed: 20 ml per liter
Spray in animals: 2 ml per liter
Equipment Wash: 2 ml per liter

The poultry industry is growing fast due to its high productivity and good returns. High productivity in turn is achieved by adopting better genetics and bringing about improvement in nutritional and managemental practices. All these though come at a price. It reduces the bird’s ability to sustain stress.
With the nutrients demand always being high, where things aren’t managed well, it affects the bird’s health adversely making them morbid which shows itself in a marked decline in production, and consequent economic losses. In that sense the poultry industry is like a double-edged sword. One mistake and you could end up with huge losses.
To help the industry avoid such mistakes, Vetrina has formulated a range of unique products for the optimum growth of the poultry industry that remain high in quality and cost-effective. Best of all, these products can be administered quite easily with the help of potable water and feed for the birds.
The norm in the poultry industry is that water consumed is twice the quantum of the feed intake. For this reason, nutrients supplied through water reach the birds faster and prevent them from contracting diseases. It thereby increases their output and so too the productivity of the poultry unit. Additionally, these farm-end products have no side effects on the birds and have no residual effects on their meat and eggs.

Combating heat with a blend of electrolytes and instant energy
Provides electrolyte balance
Combat heat stress in summer
Maintains body fluid & acid base balance
Improves immunity
Reduces heat stress in summer
Improve weight gain of egg production
Directions to use
1 gm / 2 liter water

Activated acidifier to optimize water quality
Prevents growth of pathogenic bacteria
Helps to lower water pH
Prevents microbial contamination through water
Helps for better FCR, egg production
Stops formation of biofilms and checks microbial growth
Stimulates digestive secretions
Directions to use
Through drinking water 1-5 ml/ 10 liters water

Blend of all essential nutrients for maintaining flock uniformity and optimum productivity
Fulfills ultimate nutritional requirement
Enhances faster growth & egg production
Maintains flock uniformity
Improves egg quality
Improves FCR
Directions to use
Chicks: 5 to 10 ml / 100 birds/day
Layer & Breeder: 10 to 20 ml / 100 birds/day

Powerful Combination of Haematinic & Liver Tonic
Protects liver from mycotoxins
Prevents fatty liver syndrome
Powerful Haematinic
Acts as liver tonic
Improve production
Improve FCR
Directions to use
Chicks: 10 ml/ 100 birds/ day
Adult: 15 ml/ 100 birds /day

Herbal remedies to Optimize liver functioning
Improves feed intake
Rejuvenates liver tissues
Improves digestion
Improves weight gain
Improves egg production
Directions to use
Chicks : 5 ml/100 birds/day
Growers : 10 ml /100 birds/ day
Adult : 20 ml / bird/day

Harbal supplement to perfectly support RTI
Helps in preventing & controlling mycoplasma infection (CRD)
Increase the availability of antibiotics during treatment
Acts as antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory
Works as Bronchodilator. Antitussive & Expectorant
Directions to use
Chicks 5 ml/ 100 birds/ day
Adult: 10 ml / 100 birds/ day

Hepatic booster with toxin neutralizer
Facilitates detoxification & blood purification
Controls mortality related to toxicity
Does fat mobilization
Helps for fat mobilization
Acts as antioxident
Neutralizes the effect of toxicity due to Mycotoxins, chemicals or pesticides
Directions to use
Chicks: 5 ml/ 100 birds/ day
Adult: 10-20 ml/ 100 birds/ day

Highly digestible organic salt of calcium for better eggshell quality
Helps calcium homeostasis
Prevents lameness
Helps growth of bone & egg shell
Helps in strong muscle formation and good feathering
Directions to use
Chicks: 10 ml/100 birds/day
Broiler: 20 ml/100 birds/day
Breeder/Layer: 20-50 ml/100 birds/day

Innovative solution for early nutrition and weight gain
Optimum body weight in first week
Supports yolk absorption
Improves immunity & controls mortality.
Maintains flock uniformity
Assures better FCR
Directions to use
Chicks: 1 ml/lit of water
Adult: 2 ml/lit of water

B Complex vitamins with the power of Lysine, Methionine & Choline
All ‘B’ complex vitamins
Helps for proper utilization of feed
Improves weight gain
Improves FCR
Improves egg production
Directions to use
Chicks: 2 ml /100 birds / day
Adult: 5 ml /100 birds/day

Immunity boosting tonic enriched with antioxidants
Helps to Improve immunity
Reduces Stress
Assures faster recovery from diseases
Develop better immune response if used before & after vaccination.
Directions to use
Chicks: 5 to 10 ml/100 birds/day
Adult: 10 to 20 ml/100 birds/day

Powerful hematinic for powerful performance
Supports erythropoiesis
Increases hemoglobin in blood
Reduces mortality due to hypoxia & anemia
Helps in controlling dermatitis in layers & attack in broilers
Directions to use
Chicks: 10 ml/100 birds/ day
Adult: 15 ml/100 birds /day
Feed remains essential to the survivability and productivity of the birds on a poultry farm. An ideal feed ought to contain specific nutrients while remaining free of harmful substances. Reality though is quite different with some of the nutrients not being as per norms, in addition to the presence of undesirable substances and toxins.
To provide the birds with the right nutrients, Vetrina has formulated a supplement that besides containing all the right ingredients and nutrients, remains easily mixable with poultry feed to ensure easy consumption by the birds for better and higher output.

Combating heat with a blend of electrolytes and instant energy
Provides electrolyte balance
Combat heat stress in summer
Maintains body fluid & acid base balance
Improves immunity
Reduces heat stress in summer
Improve weight gain of egg production
Directions to use
1 kg per MT of feed

Trace mineral for optimum layers performance
Fulfill total requirement of trace minerals
Increases egg production
Improves immunity of the birds
Reduces feed consumption per egg
Improves overall performance of birds
Directions to use
1 kg/MT of Layer feed

Trace mineral for optimum broilers performance
Fulfill total requirement of trace minerals
Improves immunity of the birds
Ensures faster body weight gain
Improves FCR
Improves overall performance
Directions to use
1 kg/ MT Broiler feed

Feed toxin binder to control feed toxicity
Binds Multiple Toxins
Hepato protective
Mould Inhibition
Fat mobilization
Increased egg production
Directions to use
1 to 2 kg/ MT of layer feed

Feed toxin binder with Acidifer to control feed toxicity
Mycotoxin Adsorption
Liver Protection
Mould Inhibition
Better FCR
Increased egg production
Feed acidification
Directions to use
1 to 2 Kg/ MT of broiler feed

Mix of toxin binder antifungal acidifier and hepatoprectant to improve feed quality and to control feed toxicity
Acts by Biotransformation
Mycotoxin Adsorption
Liver Protection
Mould Inhibition
Avoids nutrient binding & depletion
Feed acidification
Directions to use
1 to 2 Kg/ MT of breeder feed

Minerals & vitamin supplements to support egg shell quality
Increases calcium metastasis
Reduces lameness & shell deformities
Improves shell integrity
Reduces misshapen & shelless egg
Increase salable & hatchable egg
Directions to use
250-500 g/ MT of feed

Oestrogenic precursor to increase egg production in breeders & layers
Stimulates ovary for consistent ovulation
Supports complete reproductive tract
Production of healthy Ova
Supports bird for consistent egg production
Improve hatchability in breeder
Directions to use
500 g/ MT of feed
Disinfecting remains an important factor in combating the ingress and spread of diseases besides helping maintain biosecurity. Cleanliness and hygiene contribute in a big way to profitability in the poultry industry. It’s thus incumbent on the industry to use disinfectant that are non-corrosive, non-toxic, and safe to use without the risk of leaving behind any residue.

Broad spectrum biocide
Effective against virus, bacteria, fungi & algae
Long lasting biocide activity
Acts in presence of organic matter
Can be used as foaming, spraying & fogging
Can be used for equipment washing and pipeline flushing
Directions to use
Empty shed: 20 ml / ltr
Spray in birds: 2 ml / ltr
Equipment Wash: 2 ml / ltr

Companion Animals
In return, what our pets ask of us is to give them care, protection and a very caring environment that is full of foods that are rich in nutrition and dietary needs so as to keep illnesses at bay and ensure a healthy life for our furry four-legged friends.
At Vetrina, our focus to develop reliable solutions to manage our pets’ health through the right nutritional and dietary interventions.
Most pets are served home-cooked food, their diet remains deficient in certain essential nutrients which in time affects their healthy growth and health in general. In order to counter nutrition-related deficiencies, assist in their recovery from illness and maintain all-round health, vigour and vitality, Vetrina Healthcare has developed various nutritional solutions.

Improves platelet count
Developed to improve platelet count, its benefits include
A supportive therapy for thrombocytopenia & anemia in dogs and cats
Acts as an adjunct to post-operative therapy
A supportive therapy in the case of vector-borne parasitic diseases
Directions to use
1 ml per 5 kg of body weight of the pet animal or as directed by the
veterinary practitioner

Natural anti-pyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication
A natural anti-pyretic, analgesic and anti-inflammatory medication, its benefits include
A natural anti-pyretic that’s safe for cats, young and senior pets
Analgesic and anti-pyretic in exotic species
Assists in pain associated with colic and digestive disturbance
Anti-inflammatory for muscle injuries in pets and exotics
Directions to use
For cats & puppies: 1 ml twice daily
For small dogs:1 to 2 ml twice daily
For large dogs: 3 to 4 ml twice daily or as directed by the
veterinary practitioner

Hematinic with liver tonic
A Powerful hematinic
Stimulates erythropoiesis in anemic patients
Stimulates liver function Protects liver from toxins
Directions to use
For cats and pups: 1 ml twice daily
For small dogs: 1-2 ml twice daily
For adult dogs: 5 ml twice daily or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

Medication for optimal gut health
An Enzyme complex that improves digestion
Controls diarrhoea brought about by the use of antibiotics
A Blend of probiotic and prebiotic ensures growth of normal gut flora
Directions to use
2 spoons or 2.5 g twice daily mix with food/water or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

Antioxidant, revitalizer and Immuno-modulator
Improved immunity in young and adult pets
Acts as an immunity booster before and after vaccination
A powerful anti-oxidant that reduces stress
Is effective in disease recovery
Improved maternal immunity in pregnant animals
Directions to use
For puppies and cats: 2.5 ml twice daily
For adult dogs: 5 ml twice daily
For pregnant females: 10 ml daily 10 days before and after whelping
For lactating females: 10 ml twice daily Or as directed by
the veterinary practitioner

Supplement to complete home cooked food
A nutritious treat that goes well with conventional food
Ideal for pregnant and lactating bitches
Ideal for growing puppies, and dogs with special dietary needs due to the latter’s advancing age
Directions to use
For Puppis and dogs under 5 kgs: 1 tablet daily
For dogs over 5 kg: 2 tablets daily

Complete nutritional supplement for cats
Completes nutritional gaps in home-cooked diet
An essential support for the immune system
A regular treat for cats
Directions to use
2 tablets twice daily or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

Source of maximum protein
Meeting the protein needs of dogs and cats on a home-cooked diet
Being a taurine supplement, it’s an ideal formulation for cats
An ideal protein supplementation for muscle development in athletic breeds
A source of extra proteins during pregnancy
Directions to use
For dogs- 5 g twice daily
For cats-2.5 g once daily
Mix with food or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

SetcalTM suspension
Source of maximum calcium
Helps develop stronger bones in growing pets
Prevents rickets and osteoporosis and improves muscular strength in large breeds
Prevents calcium deficiency in pregnant and lactating bitches
Directions to use
For puppies and cats: 2.5 ml twice daily
For adult dogs: 5 ml twice daily
For pregnant & lactating bitches: 10 ml twice daily
Or as suggested by the veterinary practitioner

SetcalTM tab
Source of calcium and phosphorus
It prevents osteoporosis, rickets & arthritis
It helps in the development of the skeleton & teeth in puppies.
In pregnant bitches, it facilitates the proper development of the foetus
It’s a supportive treatment for fractures and arthritis
Directions to use
For dogs: Up to10 kg body weight- 1 tablet per day 11 to 25 kg
body weight: 1 tablet twice a day Above 25 kg body weight: 1 tablet thrice a day
For cats: 1 tablet per day or as suggested by the veterinary practitioner

Perfect tonic
Assists in optimum growth and development
Assists as a part of post-operative care
Useful in stress or illness
Assists as a supportive therapy for Anorexia, Anaemia
Directions to use
For cats and pups: 1 ml twice daily
For small dogs: 1-2 ml twice daily
For adult dogs: 5 ml twice daily or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

Coat and skin conditioner
Keeping the coat bright and healthy
Controlling excesses shedding
Controlling dermatitis related to nutritional deficiency
Goodness of fish oil for increased palatability
Directions to use
For pups: 2.5 ml twice daily
For adult Dogs: 5 ml twice daily
For pregnant/lactating bitches: 10 ml twice daily
For cats: 2.5 ml twice daily or as directed by the veterinary practitioner
Managing your pets’ metabolic and infectious diseases is a cumbersome process where natural botanical extracts and critical micro-nutrient supplements have shown remarkable synergistic and positive effects. To this end, Vetrina has developed the Vetricare® line of products that provide a comprehensive and complete solution to various debilitating diseases that shows a marked improvement in the quality of your pet’s life.

Vetricare® Cardiac
Comprehensive support to cardio-vascular system
A supportive therapy for maintaining healthy heart functions in breeds predisposed to cardiovascular disorders
Provides comprehensive cardiovascular support by improving blood flows, blood vessel integrity and circulation
Supports cardiac health of geriatric dogs & cats
Directions to use
For dogs & cats: 1 ml per 5 kg of Body weight per day or as suggested by the veterinary practitioner

Vetricare® Integumentary
Comprehensive support to the integumentary system
A supportive therapy in chronic dermatitis
A supportive therapy in atopic dermatitis treatment
Reduces trans-dermal water loss
Directions to use
For dog and cats: 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight per day or as suggested by the veterinary practitioner

Vetricare® Nervous
Comprehensive support for the nervous system
A supportive therapy for cats & dogs exhibiting hyperactivity, aggressive behavior and anxiety
It helps alleviate environmentally induced stress and travel stress
An adjunct to epilepsy therapy
Directions to use
For dogs & cats:1 ml per 5 kg of body weight per day or as suggested by the veterinary practitioner

Vetricare® Urinary
Comprehensive support to urinary system
A supportive therapy to maintain optimal urinary tract health
A supportive therapy in the treatment of urolithiasis and preventing the reoccurrence of uroliths
A supportive therapy for breeds prone to recurrent urinary tract infections
Directions to use
For dogs and cats: 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight or as suggested by the veterinary practitioner

Vetricare® Renal
Lanthanum carbonate based oral phosphate binder
Lowers phosphorus absorption in small intestine
Helps maintain optimum renal health
Directions to use
For dogs and cats: 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight per day
Mix with food or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

Vetricare® Digestive
Comprehensive support to the digestive system
Helps alleviate the irritation, discomfort, and cramping associated with diarrhoea
Restores normal intestinal flora
Meant for diarrhoea caused by antibiotic use
Decreases the number of bowel movements and water loss
Directions to use
For dogs and cats: 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight per day
Mix with food or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

Vetricare® -Respiratory
Comprehensive support to the animals’ respiratory system
A immune-modulator for managing the upper and lower respiratory tract infection
An adjunct to anti-infective and anti-allergic therapies
Supportive therapy in kennel cough
Directions to use
For dogs: 1 ml per 5 kg of body weight per day or as directed by the veterinary practitioner

RespocareTM -Cat
Respiratory immunity booster with L-lysine
An immune-modulator in the management of feline upper and lower tract infections
An adjunt to Feline Rhinotracheitis (Feline herpesvirus) therapy
A natural anti-stress and immunity booster
Directions to use
1 ml per kg of body weight per day or as directed by the veterinary practitioner
Companion animals run a high risk of contracting diseases transmitted through unclean kennels, hospital premises, hospital equipment and also through unclean examination tables. These may bring to the animal nosocomial infections including infectious diarrhoea, urinary tract infection to name some. To prevent these, its essential to clean and disinfect the pet’s space for which Vetrina has introduced products made from potent and non-toxic ingredients that help sanitize, deodorize and leave the space smelling naturally fresh. These include

Biocidal detergent and deodorant
Effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi
It retains its efficacy even in hard water
No rinsing necessary
Non-corrosive and non-staining to non-porous surface
Environmentally friendly
Directions to use
For biocidal activity add 15 ml (1 cap) to 1 liter water
Spray the solution or apply with mop and let it dry in the air
For heavily contaminated surfaces, precleaning is required
For veterinary clinics and kennels, use 30 ml per liter water

Ready to use (spray and wipe) Biocidal detergent and biocide
Effective against viruses, bacteria and fungi
It retains its efficacy even in hard water
No rinsing necessary Non-corrosive and non-staining to non-porous surface
Environmentally friendly
Use for routine cleaning and sanitation practice in – Veterinary clinics ( clinic premises, examination table, weighing balance, waiting area etc.)
Kennel, Pet shops and Grooming center
Directions to use
Turn the nozzle to spray or stream position and apply fine mist over the surface
Wipe with clean cotton cloth to get clean and shiny surface

Exotic Animals
Exotic birds as pets with their brilliant colours and high intelligence
are a rage these days. Caring for these captivating creatures thought is no mean feat. With varied temperaments & social needs, they demand gentle care, protection from germs and ambient pollution, as also a balanced diet that includes more than just seeds in order to maintain their health, enchanting colours and quirky personalities.
Vetrina Exotic brings to you a complete range of healthcare products for aviary and other delicate exotic species of birds. These can be used as supportive therapy to control and prevent myriad health problems in not just normal birds but also in other exotic pets.
Exotic animals and birds are mostly fed on seeds, fruits and a palette of grains. Selective consumption of feeds by animals or birds and an inadequate diet may result in malnourishment making them prone to metabolic issues and infectious diseases.
To obviate these, nutraceuticals are the best solution: Feed supplements through normal diets to help maintain all round health, vigour and vitality in pets. To this end, Vetrina Healthcare has developed various nutritional products which are described in detail here.

SetcalTM Exotic
Water-soluble calcium
A water-soluble calcium supplement for all exotic pets
It does not leave any residue when dissolved in water
It is meant for the healthy growth of bones, beaks, claws and shells
It’s useful in breeding birds to prevent calcium deficiency and thin-shelled eggs
Directions to use
Dry: One small pinch (1/2 gram) sprinkle lightly over a medium bowl of fruit, vegetables and seeds
In drinking water: 4 grams per liter of drinking water or as directed by the veterinarian

SetgutTM Exotic
Gut health optimizer
A blend of prebiotics, live lactic acid bacteria and enzyme complex that ensures proper gut health
Restores normal gut flora, improves digestion and nutrient absorption
Prevents indigestion and corrects intestinal imbalance due to poor quality diet and sudden dietary changes
Directions to use
Administer one gram by sprinkling over food or as directed by a veterinarian
Discard uneaten food after 6 hours

RespocareTM Avian
Improves respiratory immunity
Herbal formula for boosting respiratory tract health and preventing infections
Works as a bronchodilator and expectorant
Contains vitamin C which acts as an anti-stress factor
Directions to use
1 ml per 100 ml of water. Let it dissolve completely by stirring or as directed by the veterinarian

ImmuncareTM Exotic
Immunity optimizer
Ultimate immunity builder for caged birds.
Builds resistance against diseases and stress
Improves nutrient retention
Directions to use
1ml per 100 ml of water. Let it dissolve completely by stirring or as directed by the veterinarian

ToxicureTM Avian
Toxin remover
Helps in clearing toxins from tissues and liver
Ensures proper liver function and detoxification
Effective removal of absorbed toxins and systemic waste from body
Directions to use
1 ml per 100 ml of water or as directed by a veterinarian. Let it dissolve completely by stirring

SetlivTM Exotic
Liver tonic
Supplement for proper liver function in caged birds
Boosts metabolism and improves digestion
Directions to use
1ml per 100 ml water or as directed by a veterinarian. Let it dissolve completely by stirring

VetrivitTM Turtle
Multivitamin supplement
A balanced supplement to meet vitamin requirements for turtles, terrapins and tortoises
Contains a vitamin complex in a micro-emulsion form which keeps all vitamins water stable
Ensures that turtles and terrapins receive everything they need, by reducing vitamin deficiency and encouraging healthy growth
Directions to use
3 ml per liter of water per day
4 drops per 30 ml water/ directly in the mouth per day or as directed by veterinarian

VetrivitTM Avian
Multivitamin supplement
Complete vitamin supplement for your cage birds
Promotes growth and vitality
Protects against stress
Directions to use
For budgies, canary, parrots and other cage birds: 1ml dissolved in 50 ml water
For Pigeons: 1ml dissolved in 100 ml water or as directed by veterinarian

Organic water acidifier
Lowers pH of water which reduces pathogenic bacteria, yeast and fungi from reaching the birds intestines
Works as an antidiarrhoeal, prevents loose droppings and dehydration
Acidification of water provides protection to lactic acid bacteria already present in the digestive tract
Low pH Improves secretion of digestive enzymes
Directions to use
Shake well before use
Dilute 10ml of Adifier in 5 liters of water
It’s recommended to prepare the solution 10-15 minutes before 10-15 minutes before administering and stir regularly during use

VetrivitTM Rabbit
Multivitamin supplement and Rabbit
Complete vitamin supplement for rabbits
Promotes growth and development
Reduce stress
Directions to use
Regular dose – 10 drops
Disease recovery-15 drops
Required dose add in 100 ml of water or 50 gm of food or as directed by Veterinarian

VetrivitTM C
Concentrated high potency Vitamin C
Maintain optimal Health and Growth
Prevents scurvy condition
Improve immunity
Directions to use
Regular dose – 10 drops
Disease recovery-15 drops
Required dose add in 100 ml of water or 50 gm of food or as directed by Veterinarian
Most exotic birds and animals are kept in cages where they tend to scatter their water and feathers. In most cases, they also defecate in these same cages making it most essential to keep them as clean as possible. Unclean cages or surroundings can lead to a host of serious health problems thus making cage cleaning and disinfection the first step in protecting pet bird(s) from infections and parasites.
Where birds housed together in numbers, regular decontamination is critical to stop the spread of infections. Prepared from potent though non-toxic ingredients, our products sanitize, deodorize and leave the cages smelling naturally fresh.

Ectoparasite spray
Solution for mites, lice and other ectoparasites
Made from natural materials and remains free from toxic chemicals
Its soothing formula gives relief from itching, feather plucking and skin inflammation
Directions to use
Spray liberally over the affected area.
Avoid direct contact with eyes

Cage / loft cleaner
Non-toxic cage cleaner infused with essential oils
Effective against bacterial, fungal and yeast infections
Eliminates foul odour and leaves the habitat fresh and clean
Directions to use
Shake well before use. Dilute 10ml of Ocide-E in 5 liters of water or as directed by the veterinarian Recommended to prepare the diluted solution
10-15 minutes before use and stir regularly during use

As with other livestock, pigs have their own list of necessary nutrients that are required for optimum growth and productivity. Considering this Vetrina Healthcare has launched the perfect nutritional strategy for increased returns on investment.
This is the right product which if used at the right stage with right nutrients can help in optimum growth and good FCR.
Every stage in a pig’s life like starter, grower and finisher on the basis of market weight has varied nutritional requirements. To get maximum weight with minimum feed intake, stage-wise nutrition plays a major role in pig feeding practices.

Combination of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, emulsifier, enzyme, organic acids and nucleotides for optimum growth in young pigs
Improves immunity
Controls mortality
Improves weight gain
Improves gut health
Helps attains early market weight
In gilt helps puberty on time
Helps to balance electrolytes during diarrhoea
Supports the growth of small and weak piglets
Directions to use
2 ml per piglet per day for 30 days

Vetrimix® SW 5%
Composite premix meant to provide all vital nutrient to growing & finisher pig for optimum body weight gain
Optimizes FCR
Improves in daily body weight gain
Improves immunity
Controls diarrhoea and mortality that take place at early ages
Good mixability
Directions to use
5% on daily basis

Vetrimix® Sow
Perfect combination of vitamins and minerals for optimum fertility & productivity in a sow
Improves fertility and health
Improves pre and post farrowing health
Nourishes piglet well
Aids in maximum farrowing per sow
Fulfils complete vitamin and mineral requirements of the sow
Directions to use
100 gm per day per sow
Infectious diseases including Foot and mouth disease (FMD), African swine fever and classical swine fever remain a significant threat to the stability and productivity of animals, farms and to animal health. Besides, it adversely affects the global swine industry. Reducing their spread helps maintain animal health and resultant productivity besides reducing treatment costs. Ways to control the spread include bio-security measures and the use of proper diagnostic tools to identify and control further damages both within a farm and also between farms.

Cationic polymer with biocide properties
Cleans shed effectively to prevent infections to adults and neonates
Effective for sanitizing utensils and equipment.
Safe to use in the presence of animals
Contains no harmful fumes
Directions to use
Empty shed: 20 ml per litre
Spray in animals: 2 ml per litre
Equipment Wash: 2 ml per litre