Profitable dairy farming
If you ask dairy farmers, if they get profit when they raise milking the animal? They will say no. Their approach towards dairy farming and rearing the animal is still traditional. Everyday their input cost is increasing, cost of feed is going up, and also the price of milk is not in the hand of producer. Farmer can’t decide selling price of his commodity as it depends upon the gap between supply & demand.
Farmers have good cow in their farm and their genetic potential is also good but, productivity of cow is mostly affected by managemental and feeding practices. Drastic change in mind set for rearing the dairy animal among young farmers is the need of today and they should learn to earn profit from dairy animal to become entrepreneur.
Farmers have good cow in their farm and their genetic potential is also good but, productivity of cow is mostly affected by managemental and feeding practices. Drastic change in mind set for rearing the dairy animal among young farmers is the need of today and they should learn to earn profit from dairy animal to become entrepreneur.
Now a day, food security is becoming concern and consumer is more conscious about quality milk, it can be great challenge for our farmer to meet this requirement or else, we will lose the hold on market and dairy business in India will remain myth.
The only solution for profitable dairy farming is “Calf rearing”,“Calf a year program” and “maximum milk in every lactation”. This is possible only when farmers change their mind set towards the traditional approach and adopt new technology, and understand the important and required managemental and feeding practices.
“Calf rearing”
Calf rearing will help, to create good asset in the form of cow. Heifer development for the replacement of unproductive cow in farm is most important activity on progressive dairy farm to maintain production level and to set financial practices. Dairy farmer do not want to waste his time for heifer development and consider this activity as a costly affair, procurement of milking animal from market and that cow did not gave good quality milk or fall sick and become unproductive.
“Calf a Year Program”
In any business, utilization of all resources properly or optimistically will help to earn more profit and control financial leakages. After parturition, cow can conceive within two month can parturated immediately and gives maximum lactation in her life and farmers can earn more money. Yearly calving helps to get maximum lifetime milk from one cow and that’s how we can get good return on investment.
“Maximum milk in every lactation”
Underfeeding leads to metabolic disorders, infertility, increase in open period and loss of productivity from animal. Farmers raise good genetic animal in their farm but uniformity they are not able to get maximum production from them because of underfeeding. This is one of the great examples how we deteriorate asset and make them unproductive. Optimizing feeding practices as per the need of the animal, proper management will always helps to get maximum milk from animal in lactation.
These three programmes will always help to make dairy business profitable. Farmer needs to understand the managemental and feeding practices.
“Calf rearing”
Calf rearing will help, to create good asset in the form of cow. Heifer development for the replacement of unproductive cow in farm is most important activity on progressive dairy farm to maintain production level and to set financial practices. Dairy farmer do not want to waste his time for heifer development and consider this activity as a costly affair, procurement of milking animal from market and that cow did not gave good quality milk or fall sick and become unproductive.
“Calf a Year Program”
In any business, utilization of all resources properly or optimistically will help to earn more profit and control financial leakages. After parturition, cow can conceive within two month can parturated immediately and gives maximum lactation in her life and farmers can earn more money. Yearly calving helps to get maximum lifetime milk from one cow and that’s how we can get good return on investment.
“Maximum milk in every lactation”
Underfeeding leads to metabolic disorders, infertility, increase in open period and loss of productivity from animal. Farmers raise good genetic animal in their farm but uniformity they are not able to get maximum production from them because of underfeeding. This is one of the great examples how we deteriorate asset and make them unproductive. Optimizing feeding practices as per the need of the animal, proper management will always helps to get maximum milk from animal in lactation.
These three programmes will always help to make dairy business profitable. Farmer needs to understand the managemental and feeding practices.